5 Tips to Manage Stress

Stress - it's an unavoidable factor in our lives. Read the article Rethinking Stresswhere I explore the positive side of stress and how it can be our friend, not our enemy. But here’s the thing, no matter how we view our stress, we still need some support every now and then.

So here are 5 of my tips to help you support your stress


1. Plan Ahead

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m a planner. I sit down every Sunday and fill out my agenda for the week ahead – it’s how I make sure everything that needs to get done - gets done. By putting it all down on paper, I am better able to prepare myself for the week ahead. Tips on how to successfully manage and plan your time could be a blog in itself, but here are some quick take home tips:

  • Buy a planner that you really like. You will be looking at it everyday, so spend the time and money on one that you will actually enjoy using.

  • Plan some “me” time. Make sure that there is balance in your life. Plan time for exercise, outings with friends, any of the things that make you smile!

  • Prioritize!! What needs to be done right away? What can wait? Laying it all out and making lists will help you identify what you need to do right away, and what can wait.

  • Be flexible! Life does not always go as planned. Even though you have everything planned out, be okay with things not going the way you anticipated. Planning gives you a goal, but allow some freedom and understanding in your schedule!

My favorite planner right now: The Passion Planner! It has everything you could want in it, including specific sections dedicated to keeping you focused on achieving your life goals. Through weekly challenges, it also encourages balance and mindfulness in your life. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF! 

2. Sleep & Eat For Success

Okay this is kind of two in one idea, but together these activities encompass the act of taking care of your body - the importance of this cannot be overstated! We demand so much from our bodies and mind daily, so we need to fuel it properly. It is easy to blame a stressful life for lack of sleep and poor diet – claiming there is not enough time in the day, that other things needed to be done, etc. But - sleep and a healthy diet need to be prioritized! By properly fuelling and restoring our body, we are able to ensure it can handle any demand and continue to function optimally for us.

 3. Exercise

Too often are we are stuck stagnant indoors – so get moving and get outside! Not only is exercising beneficial for your health and well being, it also gives you a break from whatever stressors you may be dealing with. For many, exercise can become a form of meditation, allowing the mind to be at peace. If you feel like you don't have time - do a quick HIIT training! Can’t get motivated? Find a workout buddy! The important thing is to get moving! Find something that you enjoy and look forward to and make it a part of your routine.

 4. Adaptogens

Adaptogens are like a secret weapon when it comes to managing stress. Basically - adaptogens, as is suggested by the name, help the body’s adaptability process. They prevent the burn out that often occurs with long-term stress and the associated health complaints. Adaptogens act to support our organs and the pathways involved in our stress response, giving the extra boost and love needed. There are various sources of adaptogens, each with their own strength and area where they shine. Some are best for mental stress, while others are best for physical stress. A quick talk with your Naturopathic doctor will ensure that you get the best adaptogen for you.

5. Listen To Your Body

Now here’s the thing: you can change your view on stress and support your body as much as possible, but everyone has their limit. Issues from chronic stress arise when people ignore the subtle messages that the body sends and keep pushing themselves regardless. The key is listening to these subtle messages and responding appropriately. Feeling a little more tired then usual – it may be more beneficial for you to sleep a little longer and miss that morning run. Be kind to yourself and your body, and make your health a priority above everything else!

Sources of stress can be different for each individual. For some, it may be a health concern or a personal issue, while for others it may be school, work, or a new project. Or – for some it may be all of the above! No matter what the source of your stress is, there are ways that you can improve your response to that stress. Talk to your Naturopathic Doctor and find out what is best for you!

Information can be empowering, but we all have unique health profiles and needs. Health-related information contained in this post is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for visiting a Naturopathic Doctor. The above advice is intended to only offer a general basis for individuals to discuss their medical condition with their health care provider. Always consult your licensed Naturopathic Physician.




Rethinking Stress