Rethinking Stress

Stress – We have all been lectured many times on how to reduce, overcome, beat, and manage the stress in our lives. We have all also heard about the consequences it can have on our body and our life. But lets be honest, most of us will always have stress. We can’t just drop out of school to be stress free. We can't just decide to not go to work today. We can’t just run away and travel forever. Stress is a part of our lives and is something we can’t escape. But, instead of being pessimistic about it, I propose we change our views! We can’t eliminate stress, but we can ‘stress’ better. You can be stressed, yet still be happy and healthy. You just have to make stress work for you.

 It’s time to become friends with your stress! Stress is not the enemy; it is what keeps you going. Cortisol (known as the stress hormone) is literally what gets you out of bed each morning!

 Here are my 3 tips to make stress work for you – not against you.



I said it before and I’ll say it again. Stress is not the enemy. We have heard it time and time again that stress makes you fat, stress makes you sick, stress kills! Yes, I am not denying that this can be true. But the thing is: it doesn't have to be true. By changing your view on stress you can actually change your body’s physical response to stress – changing the end result and the effect on your health and longevity – Cool!!

There was a study done and people who felt that they experienced a high level of stress, AND that stress was a negative thing, were more likely to experience negative health consequences than those in any other category. But here’s the catch, the people who felt they experienced high levels of stress, BUT didn’t think stress was a negative thing, were the least likely group to experience any negative health consequences (even less likely than those who experienced little or no stress at all)! People who have a positive outlook on stress physiologically respond better! Their body actually responds to stress in a similar way one may respond to joy or courage. All because they change their outlook!

Stress is not the enemy; it is how you view stress! Stress is literally a mind over matter issue.

 Need some more convincing – watch this TEDtalk (seriously just watch it!) 


Have you ever been stressed over something you didn’t care about? Compare that to the stress you feel regarding something you are passionate about. Having passion or meaning makes everything better. Ever wonder how CEO’s, doctors, or any successful people reduce all their stress? They don’t. They live with their stress and make it work for them. They use their stress to help them chase a passion or meaning, giving it purpose. Suddenly the stress isn't such a bad thing after all. Use your stress to help you chase your dreams – use it to motivate you, use it to help you!

 You may not like your job, but right now you may not be able to leave it. So change your view. Your job is giving you the opportunity to save for something you can be passionate about whether that is travelling, education, whatever it may be for you.

The important thing is the mindset you have, if you can change that, then you can change everything! If you go after what creates meaning and brings passion into your life, you will be able to handle any stress that follows.


So now that you have changed your viewpoint on stress, lets talk about supporting this stress. Yes, supporting, not reducing it! Your body is a magical machine that science will never fully understand and it knows what it’s doing. So instead of suppressing the stress response, support it. Give your body the proper nourishment so it can help you reach your dreams. Get the sleep you need so you can recharge properly and be ready for tomorrow. Plan, so the stress doesn't become overwhelming but, rather, is exciting. Find balance so that you don’t burn out and loose the passion and meaning. Be mindful so you can listen to yourself and your body, and know what is right for you.

 Need some extra tips to help support your stress - 5 Ways to Stress Better

 Remember everyone is unique, meaning that each and every one of us will respond to stress differently. So listen to your body, find your passion, and make your stress work for you – not against you! Don’t fear the stress, embrace it and see all the good that can happen!

Information can be empowering, but we all have unique health profiles and needs. Health-related information contained in this post is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for visiting a Naturopathic Doctor. This article was written for information purposes only and was not intended to diagnose or prescribe. The above advice is intended to only offer a general basis for individuals to discuss their medical condition with their health care provider. Always consult your licensed physician.


5 Tips to Manage Stress


Natural Doctors International